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20 Years Judicial Experience

Learn About Ms. Armstrong

We Provide Reliable And Effective Legal Services

Attorney and Judge Armstrong has tirelessly served North Texas as a civil and criminal trial attorney, ad litem, mediator, Special Commissioner, Independent Hearing Examiner, and judge and criminal magistrate.

This service includes pre-trial, trial, and successful appellate work including oral argument at the 5th Court of Appeals. This service also includes conducting hearings on motions and pre-trial matters, presiding over trials, and administering search and arrest warrants within the parameters of the law and constitution.

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See some of our areas of practice to better understand what we provide and how we can help.

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Equal Justice For All

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Best Law Practices

You will meet and visit with the attorney early and throughout your case. We strive to personally serve your needs. Case handled by licensed attorney with case updates and conference..

Efficiency & Trust

We work with you to resolve your claims in a timely manner. No hidden fees or interest charges. No tv/radio ads or high volumes of cases. You and your case are handled with care, privacy, and priortiy.

Results You Deserve

Your position and voice matter. We advocate for the fair and reasonable results that you deserve. Successful experience with national and high profile cases.

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Equal Justice For All

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